GUILHERME COUTINHO, a lawyer who has exclusively been practicing Criminal Law for 10 years and holds a Law degree from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. He is a specialist in Economic and European Criminal Law by the Institute of European and Economic Criminal Law – IDPEE (attached to the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra – FDUC) in a partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCrim. He is a member of the following bodies, namely: the Special Committee for Criminal and Penitentiary Policy of the Brazilian Bar Association/São Paulo (OAB-SP), the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCrim, and the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD). In the latter, he works in the project named as "Right to the Defense in the Jury Court" in a partnership with the Public Defender's Office of the State of São Paulo.

+55 11 3257-6319