LIGIA ESCUDER PEREIRA, a lawyer who has exclusively been practicing Criminal Law and holds a Law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP (2020) and a postgraduate degree in Economic Criminal Law from FGV/SP (2023). She worked in the Brazilian project named as “Justiceiras” (Vigilantes) whose aim was to shelter and give legal assistance to female victims of domestic violence (2020). She is a member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCrim and the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD), and a coauthor for the Brazilian book named as “Caderno de Ciências Penais: reflexões sobre as Teorias da Culpabilidade”, Editora Dialética, 2021 - ISBN: 9786525209296 (Journal for Criminal Sciences: reflections on the Theories of Guilt, Dialética Publishing House, 2021 - ISBN: 9786525209296).

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